Josh Samuel
Grades: 10th grade, 11th gra...
Courses: Algebra, Arithmetic,...
Teaching Mode: 1-on-1, Ge...
I have been helping students understand Math for over 15 years, making it easier and more fun to learn. Whether you are working on algebra, geometry, calculus or preparing for a test, I will guide you...
I am a tutor with more than 10 years' experience tutoring Math for 6th-12th graders and college students. I have a bachelor's degree in mathematics and an advanced degree in Engineering.
I am an engineer and professor with extensive experience across academia, the private sector, and government projects. My diverse professional background has given me a unique perspective that I bring...
Mag Alamu
Grades: 3rd grade, 4th grade...
Courses: Algebra, Arithmetic,...
Teaching Mode: 1-on-1, Ge...
I am a mathematics graduate with over 5 years of tutoring expereince
Hi everyone. I am a qualified K-12 Math instructor with over 15 years experience. I have a BSc in Mathematics and a MSc in Advanced Math from a reputable university in America.
Samuel Oyatoye
Grades: 7th grade, 8th grade...
Courses: Algebra, Arithmetic,...
Teaching Mode: 1-on-1, Ge...
I am a Chemical Engineering graduate from Nigeria with solid understanding and special ability to teach and break down basic and advanced mathematical operations from simple algebra to complex differe...